In October 2011, From Software released an unofficial sequel to the deathly-hard, highly-addicting “Demon’s Souls” under the similar name, “Dark Souls”. Since then, the equally hard sequel has been rung up at cash registers around the world a whopping 2.3 million times. That’s a staggering sales figure for any game, but for a title that many consider a “hardcore gamer niche”, that arguably makes it even more impressive. As a huge fan of the series (please tell me this isn’t your first SQ experience), I am not surprised but if you had asked me yesterday for a SWAG estimate on the number of units moved, I would have came back with about 1-1.25M; I would have never thought that the 2 million barrier had been broken, but I am happy that it has because folks, this series is absolutely bad ass. If you haven’t read much of my prose here at SQ, all you need to read is what my eloquent and esteemed colleague wrote in our official SQ “About” page; if you happened to have been addicted to Goldeneye’s Control Mission on 00 Agent mode like myself, then this series is for you. Don’t even watch a trailer, or finish reading this article; go to your local game shack and pick at least one of these two titles up. End of story.
First Dark Souls 2 Gameplay Footage Arrives
Addiction is a strong word, but when we’re talking about Demon’s Souls/Dark Souls, addiction may not be a strong enough word to describe how much I enjoy these games. Above all else, the insane challenge and actual feeling of achievement with this series makes these games amazing. When I sit down to play Demon’s Souls, I honestly feel like I’m playing an old school NES game with no save capability, except I’m seeing Playstation 3 graphics and not 8-bit pixels and sprites. I could go on for pages, but let me just state that if you haven’t picked up Demon’s Souls or Dark Souls, you’re wrong. Go fix yourself. Enjoy the salivating footage, and hit the link below for more details/comments.
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