The Greatest Book About A Dragon You Probably Haven’t Read

His name is Temeraire. And he’s hell-bent on saving his rider from Napoleon’s vast army.

Now you may be thinking that this book was published in 2006 – so why are we reading about this eight years later. My response would be: would you never watch The Matrix just because you didn’t see it right when it came out? No, you’d watch it. You’d watch it.

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The Futility of Existence Video

You’ve probably been where this guy is at: you’ve been day-drinking, you’re hammered drunk, and you’re just trying to walk home from the bar so you can take a power nap before you head back out later on that night.  Where this guy went wrong however is that he decided to test out a shortcut, only to find a giant steel fence that blocked his drunken path.  While I just made most of that up, this is an absolute awesome funny video, and it’s actually appropriately named – “The Futility of Existence“.  If this wasn’t staged, then the camera man/woman just happened to be in the right place at the right time to catch this drunk, fat guy fail consistently at every idea he has to try and scale or squeeze through the fence.  Bottom line: make sure you watch this all the way through as the end is stellar!

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Hilarious Southwest Airlines Flight Attendant Safety Speech Video

If you’re like me and travel just about every week for work, then you have probably heard the token flight attendant safety speech and demonstration so many times you could say it entirely verbatim in your sleep.  I personally prefer the Tommy Boy rendition (“he’s a big, dumb animal folks!”), but this Southwest Airlines flight attendant did an awesome job that would make even me put down my iPhone or book to listen!  Word on the Internet comment street is that she staged this to try and get on the Ellen show and/or The Tonight Show, and with this many video views I would say she’s got a great shot.

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Behind the Scenes at National Geographic

Every wonder what it was like to work as a National Geographic photographer?  I mean come on, you get to travel the world and see places 99% of the human race will never get to see.  What could be cooler than seeing the world?  Well, I can only imagine what the legal fine print would read at the bottom of every National Geographic job application from their HR department; it’s probably longer than most novels – especially when you’re out on some of the more “austere” locations with wildlife that may or may not be so friendly.  Whether or not the full photo below is real or fake, it will surely generate some laughs.

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SIU: Home of the City-Wide Drinking Game

Since I’m on the topic of colleges (see the epic IU Wheel of Fortune fail here!), why not touch on my undergraduate alma mater, SIU, or Southern Illinois University for all those who were thinking Southern Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, or well, I think that’s all of the “I” states, which just made the news headlines for what else – partying.  If you’re from Chicago, then you are probably well aware of SIU’s party-school history, as it routinely made Playboy’s Top Party School’s list back in the 70’s, when riots were the norm.  Although the party scene has definitely toned down since the 70’s, and even the epic Halloween bashes of the late 90’s, early 2000’s (I attended from 2001-2005), SIU has always had a much better “social scene” than the majority of the other universities in Illinois.  Well, with the video above as evidence, apparently the current generation is doing their best to get back to our party school standings that we held in the 70’s, as this past weekend was the annual “city-wide” drinking game in Carbondale, IL, where the school is located.  Yes, you read that correctly – city freaking wide.  More after the jump.

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Indiana University Student = Worst Wheel of Fortune Contestant Ever

Wheel of Fortune is not really my go-to, late afternoon television game show; that slot still belongs to the legendary Family Fued, and Mr. Steve Harvey (although all the hosts have been great; Mr. Peterson was my favorite).  What you are about to see above though, ladies and gentlemen, is a recent “college edition” episode of Wheel of Fortune which just so happened to showcase the most epic Wheel of Fortune fail I think has ever occurred.  Isn’t Indiana University supposed to be one of those “really good” schools?  This is one of those must-see fail videos folks – watch it now.  Seriously – right now.

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Blended Movie Trailer #2

Adam Sandler movies get a lot of flak, and in many cases, the poor reviews are well deserved.  Try and think back to the Happy Madison productions that you actually really enjoyed, and no, Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore and The Wedding Singer do not count.  For me there are a few, but they’re still heavily outnumbered by the garbage titles; The Benchwarmers and the Grown Ups films were all stellar, and who can forget arguably Sandler’s best film since the original golden three in Grandma’s Boy?  On that thought, if you were not a fan of Grandma’s Boy, it’s probably best if you just go ahead and click the red “x” in your browser right now, because SQ may not be the best website for you.  So fast forward to today, in which we have yet Sandler’s latest film, Blended, which brings back Drew Barrymore yet again after two previous co-starring roles; the trailer is above – check it out then hit the link below for our slightly qualified thoughts!

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Let’s Be Cops Official Red Band Trailer

Quick: name me one movie that had absolutely zero actors/actresses you recognized that turned out to be hilarious, or just plain amazing.  Can you do it?  The first movie that popped into my head was a little film called Sex Drive, which featured all no-name (at the time, and I think still to this day) main characters, but did feature a Seth Green cameo at the end.  The movie itself was absolutely hilarious, and I remember seeing the trailer months beforehand thinking that it had potential.  While most of those types of movies don’t pan out, Let’s Be Cops, which is slated to hit theaters this summer on August 13th, looks like yet another rare diamond in the rough.  Check out the official red band trailer for Let’s Be Cops above, then hit the jump below for more slightly qualified thoughts!

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Chef Official Movie Trailer

If you like food – great food – then May 9th, 2014, should probably be circled on your calendar.  Or since 99% of us aged 40 and younger probably don’t actually have physical calendars hanging on our kitchen walls anymore, go ahead and add it to your iPhone and Outlook calendars, because the new Jon Favreau movie called Chef awaits.  Starring an impressive cast list that features Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Sofia Vergara, Oliver Platt, and the legendary Dustin Hoffman, Chef pits Jon Favreau’s main character in a tricky employment situation that likely many of us have already or will face at some point in our lives: working for someone else, or taking a chance and starting his own business, which in this case is a food truck.  While this movie screams high quality date night material, there are sure to be plenty of laughs if you want to see this with friends; regardless, enjoy the official Chef trailer and then hit the link below for more!

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Hilarious FedEx Driver Caught on Camera

Delivery companies like UPS and FedEx take pride in their clean, always pressed uniforms and timely delivery, and unlike the failing US Postal Service, they almost always live up to their high expectations.  Every once in a while however, the standard slips a bit and a FedEx driver does something that probably resulted in him losing his job.  Thankfully, it appeared that no one was hurt in this hilarious security cam video – I will leave the details at that, as I don’t want to spoil this one.  Enjoy this great video – more slightly qualified thoughts after the link!

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BaneCat Has Arrived – Must See Video

So I’m not going to lie – I’m not a huge fan of cats.  I have always loved dogs, and while I don’t hate cats – I don’t really mind them. What is weird however is how the freaks on both sides of the house animal pet wars tend to get a little weird when it comes to social media, whether they create a “hilarious” Facebook page for their pug, or blog about what their cat did in the living room after dinner. There are always some exceptions however, like Grumpy Cat, and Beethoven – the ginormous, crime stopping dog, not the musician, but that’s about it, and I mean throughout the entire history of cats and dogs (Benji just missed the cut, sorry pooch).  There is however a newcomer to the list, and his name is BaneCat.  Folks, this is a must-see cat video, which is something you will probably never ever ever see me write on SQ ever again.  Ever.

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Archer Danger Zone Music Video

I still meet people who have not watched Archer, or maybe a better way to phrase it – I have still met people who haven’t even heard of Archer.  Can you believe it?  What’s that?  You have no idea what show I’m talking about?  Yes, it’s a television show; it airs on FX, and the next season is coming in two months this January.  If you like sarcasm, voice-overs from Saturday Night Live actors (from when that show was actually good), and James Bond-type spy/secret agent stuff, then Archer is right up your alley.  It is absolutely hilarious, and one of my favorites; the next season cannot come soon enough.  As a teaser for the upcoming season, FX just released the hilarious music video spoof you see above from the movie Top Gun’s most-memorable soundtrack tune, Danger Zone.  This is a must-see, and so is Archer this coming January.

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