Games We Want: The Last of Us – New Footage

Back on April 3rd, which seems like a long time ago (this is our 100th post, believe it or not!), we published an amazing trailer for Naught Dog’s upcoming adventure game, “The Last of Us“, which may look like a new Uncharted, but according to the developers, it’s quite different.  Not like that would be a bad thing, but you know what I mean.  Looking ahead to the near future, “The Last of Us” will hit store shelves on June 14th, and will be an exclusive title for the PS3; sorry Xbox’ers.  Like you needed more depressing news after Monday’s debacle?  Naughty Dog has released brand new demo discs to many of the latest news outlets, which means savory new, HD game play footage that you absolutely must-see.  Did I mention the game play video is more than 15 minutes long?  You’re welcome.

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16-Bit Characters in Real Life Photos

Where are all my retro gamers at?  Raise your hand if you grew up on the NES, and if the top two items on your Xmas list started with a Super Nintendo and ended with a Nintendo GameBoy, and I’m talking the old school brick of a GameBoy with a black and white screen.  Color screen?  That wasn’t even a rumor at that point; I think the word “fantasy” is a more apt description.  All of us at that point in the gaming world were longing for realistic graphics, and in the late 80’s/early 90’s, we still had a long ways to go.  The advent of the Super Nintendo really was a neat jump, as it allowed for at tremendous amount more processing power, and maybe above all else, a ton more colors.  It really wasn’t until the N64 however until we really saw an epic graphical jump, and now today, we’re about as realistic as we’re going to get.  Seeing these amazing photochops (easy to do, really) below really brings back some memories, although I’ll admit, there are some characters where I don’t know the game that they’re from.  That’s where you come in; you’re slightly qualified, right?  You raised your hand earlier, didn’t you?

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Who Cares About Microsoft’s Xbox Reveal Day?

Different Strokes Funny Pic -

Memes never get old, especially when they’re really good.  To be in the upper echelon of funny memes, it all starts with the original background photo.  Sure your captions may be stellar, but you won’t win your audience over unless it really fits well with the background photo.  That being said, the funny gaming meme creation crew around the Internet has been hard at work at pumping out some hilarious ones since yesterday’s “Xbox Reveal Day“, which honestly has created more confusion than there was before.  Although most gaming meme creators have aimed in on the “always-online” Internet connection “feature”, one photochopper decided to spin the reveal in an old-school way that probably only those of us that grew up on the NES would really appreciate.  Hit the link below to see what I mean.

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Finally an End to the Rumor Mill; Meet the Xbox One

Xbox One Revealed -

The rumor mill hath finally ended, thankfully.  Yesterday gamers around the world were entranced as Microsoft unveiled its third Xbox console, crushing the rumor mill once and for all with the true name, Xbox One.  What happened to 720, Durango, Stingray, and Infinity?  Gone, and it goes to show us all that they were most likely all generated just to garner the classic 15 minutes of fame, or they were just completely misled by Microsoft from the beginning.  Either way it’s a sad, depressing day for those rumor makers.  But what about us gamers?  It was “Xbox Reveal Day” after all; how did the unveil go, and what can we expect this November?  Hit the link below for all the details on One!

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From Durango to Infinity: Xbox’s, Not Cars

Xbox Infinity Logo Tentative -

Well round and round we go, folks.  According to a source across the pond at The International Business Times, the next Xbox will be called Xbox Infinity.  We here at SQ had been tracking the next Xbox under its codename, Durango; the mathematical multiple name “Xbox 720” had also been thrown around since the 360 came out, but it appears that Infinity is the final name.  We are still holding strong with our earlier report that May 21st will be Xbox Reveal day, which excitingly is only 9 days away. Hit the link below for more on this developing rumor mill, I mean story.

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Funny Pic: Video Game Logic

Logic is Hard -

Every time I hear the word “logic”, I think back to my freshman year in college when I experienced my first and only logic course.  Going in I figured it would be simple; I mean really, how hard could Logic 105 be?  Well, let’s just say it was not easy; I barely registered a C in the course, and of course my parents were thrilled.  Video games logic on the other hand is something I think we can all understand, at least more than “A -> B : D”; the funny pic / stellar gaming e-card will register with all of our gamers out there in SQ Nation.  On a side note, it’s pretty amazing to see just how far the “” site has come.  I remember back in 2008 while I was at the Marine Corps’ “The Basic School”, one of my roommates introduced me to it, and thought it was a really good idea.  Now these crazy e-cards are all you see on Facebook, but I digress.  Hit the link below for some video game logic!

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That Moment When Playing Video Games Pays Off

Grandma's Boy Silver Fox -

I’m not a fan of gamer stereotypes, although they can seriously make me laugh when they’re in good fun.  Probably the biggest gamer stereotype of them all is that gamers are virgins, or that they never have actual girlfriends.  Many would label the gamer community as anti-social, or socially awkward folks that never leave their parents basements; one of our all-time favorite movies portrayed this hilariously well (Grandma’s Boy!), and I’d like to point out that could not be further from the truth.  At least in our case here at SQ.  Regardless, I don’t feel like jumping on the gamer stereotype soap box, because the outstanding funny picture below is just too funny and doesn’t help my argument.  If you do one thing today, click the link below.

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8 Zerg Rush Funny Pics to Remind You How Much You Suck at StarCraft

Zerg Rush at

I love me a good RTS game.  My addiction began with the legendary Command & Conquer series, as I pretended to have the flu in grade school so I could destroy a motherf*cker on (you’re probably too young to remember that; I’ll do a feature on it soon) with swarms of Soviet tanks in Red Alert.  I was pretty darn good, and my uber C&C skills carried over nicely to just about every other game, until I started playing StarCraft II.  Maybe it’s because I don’t have nearly enough time as I used to, or maybe I’m just getting old (30 in t-minus one week), but I am getting absolutely destroyed on multiplayer, specifically by the damn Zerg.  Thankfully I am not alone, as it seems to be the one rush that has defined the StarCraft series, much like the 8 Soviet tanks in Red Alert.  Although StarCraft fans will truly appreciate the following hilarious Zerg rush funny pics, if you’ve ever been on the receiving end of an RTS multiplayer rush, then you’ll likely get a kick out of these as well.  So without further adieu, I present the top 8 Zerg rush funny pics just to remind us all how much we all suck at StarCraft!

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iOS Games We Like: Ridiculous Fishing

Ridiculous Fishing Rocks -

I am pretty damn picky when it comes to iPhone/iOS games and apps; Mutant Mudds was the last game that really got me hooked, and I still find myself running back through those 3D levels in a vain attempt to reach 100% completion (get back to me in a few years).  Although I have a track record of downloading many different iOS games on my iPhone 5, the majority get deleted either right away, or within a day or two at the latest.  Ridiculous Fishing is one of those rare, insanely addicting iOS games that has made its way onto my iPhone, and I can’t stop playing it.  And for only $2.99 in the App Store, this game is absolutely well worth it.  More details on why we like Ridiculous Fishing after the link.

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World of Warcraft Loses 1.3 Million Subscribers

Raise your hand if you had Blizzard’s “World of Warcraft” lasting more than 9 years; I know I never thought it would last this long (that’s what she said).  Reaching subscriber highs of more than 12 million paid players in 2010, the world of Azeroth has now dipped back down to the 8 million mark, which has raised concerns in the Blizzard Activision Inc. offices.  Activision’s brass commented on those concerns today, commenting also on “challenges in the global economy. For these reasons, we remain cautious. However, our focused and disciplined approach to our business has served us well in the past, and through continued investment and careful management of our costs, we expect to continue delivering shareholder value over the long term as we have for the last 20 years.”  Activision also added that the majority of the defections came from the East, rather than the West, signaling that Azeroth is still going strong in American households.  Hit the link below for more thoughts on the WoW business model, and the way ahead.

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Fry from Futurama on Extra Lives

Skeptical Fry from Futurama

Oh this one takes me back.  Although my internal clock will turn 30 years of age in just a couple short weeks, I am still proud enough to admit (on the Internet OR in real life) that video games are still a passion of mine.  While I do not have as much free time to crank through game after game on a Saturday, I do get in as much game time as I can.  So what does this have to do with the hilarious Fry from Futurama?  Well, you see, we have a thing for Photochops and memes around these parts; for those of you lucky enough to have experienced our former website, you probably saw some of our best work.  While the image below isn’t our creation, it’s a high quality gaming meme that all of our retro gaming readers will surely appreciate.  It brought me back to the NES days, although I am still trying to remember which games I experienced this in.  Hit the link to reminisce with us!

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Eternal Darkness Sequel Possibly (Hopefully) Coming

Shadow of the Eternals

This Monday a new crowdfund will launch from the hands of some of the original creators of the epic, survival-horror GameCube game, Eternal Darkness, with the hopes that they will be able to fund raise  or “crowdfund”, enough cash to build what the entire fan base has been aching for since 2002: an Eternal Darkness sequel.  The good news is that this does not appear to be fake, as the creator’s have formed a new, legalized development company called Precursor games, and they’ve already published a sneak peak to the proposed sequel, which will be called “Shadow of the Eternals”.  Hit the link below for the official trailer, and more info on this exciting new crowdfund!

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