Microsoft Does an Xbox One-80; Online Not Required

Holy pivot, Batman!  In a stunning one-80 (you’re impressed, aren’t you?), Microsoft issued a mega press release through the executive fingers of Don Mattrick, President of the software giant’s interactive entertainment business, highlighting two big changes.  First: that ridiculous, once every 24-hour online connectivity/piracy check is no longer in place.  In fact, gamers will only need to connect to the Interweb to validate the game disc after the game is purchased; from then on out no Internet required.  Second: no more fine print or confusion whether or not Xbox One games are trade-inable.  In other words, and to quote Mr. Mattrick, “There will be no limitations to using and sharing games, it will work just as it does today on Xbox 360.” Touch the link below for the official press release from El Presidente, as well as for more of the juicy details.

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Finally an End to the Rumor Mill; Meet the Xbox One

Xbox One Revealed -

The rumor mill hath finally ended, thankfully.  Yesterday gamers around the world were entranced as Microsoft unveiled its third Xbox console, crushing the rumor mill once and for all with the true name, Xbox One.  What happened to 720, Durango, Stingray, and Infinity?  Gone, and it goes to show us all that they were most likely all generated just to garner the classic 15 minutes of fame, or they were just completely misled by Microsoft from the beginning.  Either way it’s a sad, depressing day for those rumor makers.  But what about us gamers?  It was “Xbox Reveal Day” after all; how did the unveil go, and what can we expect this November?  Hit the link below for all the details on One!

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May 21st Is Xbox Durango Reveal Day

Raise your hand if you know who Paul Thurrott is.  Yeah, I didn’t raise mine either.  According to those in the know across the great Interweb, Mr. Thurrott appears to be a fairly legitimate source when it comes to anything Microsoft-related.  If you’ve been to his website, Supersite for Windows, then you may have indirectly read some of this work without even knowing it’s the same dude; regardless, now you (we) all know.  In a recent video blog, Mr. Thurrot dropped a major news bomb claiming that May 21st, 2013, will be the official Microsoft Xbox/Durango reveal day.  He also went on to reveal a few juicy details himself, as well as confirming a few previous reports that we’ve mentioned on SQ before.  Hit the link for the full report.

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Rumor Mill: Next Xbox To Be Always-Online System

Folks, before you start dropping OMG bombs on your favorite forums (ours coming soon), please keep in mind that this is just a rumor.  This has not been confirmed from Microsoft, or anyone official, but then again it hasn’t been denied or proven false either.  You want my Slightly Qualified opinion?  This will never happen.  According to two supposed “sources” at Kotaku, the next Xbox gaming console (Xbox 720, or Xbox Durango are the current code names) must have an Internet connection to play games or applications.  No Internet at home?  Then no game time for you.  Again, this is just a rumor people, so put the Molotov Cocktails away.  More thoughts and info after the link.

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