Raise your hand if this kind of movie sounds appealing to you: Sci-fi, Laurence Fishburne, and lots of M-4’s (that’s AR’s for all my civilian counterparts out there). No, this isn’t another Battle for Los Angeles – which was a great movie nonetheless – or even another Starship Troopers Redux. The name of this intriguing Summer 2014 potential blockbuster is The Signal, and the exciting trailer above gives us enough information to want more, but not enough to truly know what we’re, or Nic, the main character is dealing with. As a huge fan of sci-fi, as well as Mr. Fishburne’s acting resume – not to mention M-4’s! – The Signal looks like it has potential to be an awesome film. Want the specific release date and more details on the plot? Of course you do – hit the link below for more.
5 Video Games That Destroyed My GPA
I have been a gamer since my grandmother bought us an NES for Christmas back in the late 80’s, and it’s been a passionate hobby ever since. Sure I don’t get to play nearly as much as I did when I was a kid growing up (I miss summer break), but that’s life, and I couldn’t be happier right now. That being said, it’s always fun to get a little nostalgic, especially when we’re talking about retro gaming. Now that I’m pursuing my MBA, and taking school seriously (thank you Marine Corps!), it makes me laugh pretty hard at how much gaming took priority over my grades, whether I was in eight grade or a senior in college. Narrowing my list down to the most influentially, GPA-degrading games from my past was hard; my initial brainstorm list totaled 12 pretty prominent games from my school days, so it was pretty tough to pick a Top 5. But enough with the intro; let’s check out the games!
Funny Pic: Video Game Logic
Every time I hear the word “logic”, I think back to my freshman year in college when I experienced my first and only logic course. Going in I figured it would be simple; I mean really, how hard could Logic 105 be? Well, let’s just say it was not easy; I barely registered a C in the course, and of course my parents were thrilled. Video games logic on the other hand is something I think we can all understand, at least more than “A -> B : D”; the funny pic / stellar gaming e-card will register with all of our gamers out there in SQ Nation. On a side note, it’s pretty amazing to see just how far the “someecards.com” site has come. I remember back in 2008 while I was at the Marine Corps’ “The Basic School”, one of my roommates introduced me to it, and thought it was a really good idea. Now these crazy e-cards are all you see on Facebook, but I digress. Hit the link below for some video game logic!