iOS Games We Like: Nimble Quest

Nimble Quest Logo -

Out of the four of you that read this site, who remembers the old school cell phone and TI-83 calculator game, “Snake”?  Remember that pixelated game of addiction, or am I alone on this?  Well since my high school math days in Algebra I, video games, and calculators have come along way.  Now kids are playing on iPhone 5’s and Samsung  Galaxies in junior high math class, when I didn’t even have my first cell phone until I was a sophomore in college, but I digress.  Fast forward to just a few weeks ago, when I dropped a measly $.99 cents on an intriguing little iOS/Android game called, “Nimble Quest”.  If you couldn’t guess by the post title, we like this one – a lot.  Hit the link below for more on this awesome electronic addiction.

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