Marine on a Cross in Washington DC (Get Back)

US Marine Hangs on Cross in Washington DC in Protest -

The knife hands nearly came out at my laptop screen – okay, that was a joke, but seriously what in the world is this guy doing?  If you can’t tell from the disturbing picture above (all three photos below after the link), we have what appears to be a Marine/former Marine that has apparently hung himself (not around his neck – he’s just fine) by his dress blues in the heart of Washington D.C. in some form of religious and/or other protest.  What you do not see in these head-shaking images is every 1stSgt and SgtMaj in the world – in or out of CONUS – bursting at least three or veins as they try not to kill the first person that walks into their field of vision; heck, how can any Marine – former or active – not feel a little irked by these pictures?  I know I am, but I’ll hold the rest of my thoughts for after the jump.

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