iOS Games We Like: Bill Killem

Over the past fourteen splendid months here at SQ we’ve brought you only the best, filtered iOS games for your iPhone, from the addiction that was Pixel People all the way to my current action-RPG fave Wayward Souls.  This evening however I present to you a different game – Bill Killem – which is not only a phenomenally addictive, and just downright fun retro platformer that’s part Contra and part Majora’s Mask, but something else.  It’s freakin’ free!

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Retro Gaming Wallpaper We Like: Link and Epona

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, or more regularly known as “Zelda 64”, or to many of us as “The Greatest Game of All Time”, well, is just that – the greatest game of all time.  It was arguably the first title to receive a perfect score from a major gaming institution (IGN, for example), and has been rehashed and refurbished more times than that DVD player you saw in the checkout aisle at Walgreen’s.  As a huge retro gamer, and one that has strong ties to the legendary N64, Zelda 64 brings back some amazing memories.  My fondest memory comes from my very first play-through after slamming it into my N64 that Christmas break, when I made my final castle run up the tower to confront Ganon; few video games have provided that much exhilaration into an ending, and in my opinion those mini boss fights along the way up are some of the best I have ever experienced in a video game.  But enough of the praise; we all know it was bad ass, and really ahead of its time.  What you’ll find below is an awesome piece of retro gaming wallpaper for your desktop background, and one that would fit perfectly on your computer at work if you’re brave enough to sport it.  This isn’t your typical gaming montage desktop either: although extremely simplistic, it is highly creative and only something us Zelda 64 enthusiasts will really enjoy.  So without further adieu, hit the link below and get ready for the memories!

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16-Bit Characters in Real Life Photos

Where are all my retro gamers at?  Raise your hand if you grew up on the NES, and if the top two items on your Xmas list started with a Super Nintendo and ended with a Nintendo GameBoy, and I’m talking the old school brick of a GameBoy with a black and white screen.  Color screen?  That wasn’t even a rumor at that point; I think the word “fantasy” is a more apt description.  All of us at that point in the gaming world were longing for realistic graphics, and in the late 80’s/early 90’s, we still had a long ways to go.  The advent of the Super Nintendo really was a neat jump, as it allowed for at tremendous amount more processing power, and maybe above all else, a ton more colors.  It really wasn’t until the N64 however until we really saw an epic graphical jump, and now today, we’re about as realistic as we’re going to get.  Seeing these amazing photochops (easy to do, really) below really brings back some memories, although I’ll admit, there are some characters where I don’t know the game that they’re from.  That’s where you come in; you’re slightly qualified, right?  You raised your hand earlier, didn’t you?

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iOS Games We Like: Ridiculous Fishing

Ridiculous Fishing Rocks -

I am pretty damn picky when it comes to iPhone/iOS games and apps; Mutant Mudds was the last game that really got me hooked, and I still find myself running back through those 3D levels in a vain attempt to reach 100% completion (get back to me in a few years).  Although I have a track record of downloading many different iOS games on my iPhone 5, the majority get deleted either right away, or within a day or two at the latest.  Ridiculous Fishing is one of those rare, insanely addicting iOS games that has made its way onto my iPhone, and I can’t stop playing it.  And for only $2.99 in the App Store, this game is absolutely well worth it.  More details on why we like Ridiculous Fishing after the link.

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24 Things That Prove Video Games Are All Grown Up

Legend of Zelda -

It’s sad to think about, but I turn the fresh young age of 30 in approximately three weeks.  I’ve been gaming for just about every single one of those years since my original spawn in 1983, and it started with many of the games/systems on the hilariously nostalgic list below. I’m looking forward (in a weird way) to the day when I’m 60, to see what the average “gaming age” will be then; it will be like the jokes that started on Facebook a few years ago that asked the question, “What happens when we all start getting old?”  Awesome photo roll below that’s sure to make your Tuesday less crappy!

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