Relax my slightly qualified warriors, Father’s Day 2014 is still 11 days away! If your blood stopped pumping when you saw this post’s headline about Father’s Day – meaning you forgot all about it – don’t feel left out. This morning when I was driving to work here in beautiful, congested-as-all-insert-your-favorite-curse-word Houston, they mentioned it on the radio and made it seem like it was this weekend. Thankfully we still have some time, and also thankfully we have some stellar Father’s Day advice from the legendary Samuel L. Jackson! And no, this is not a Capital One credit card advertisement. Hit the link below for the full funny picture!
Funny Father’s Day Advice from Samuel L. Jackson
Would you expect anything else from Mr. Jackson? I wouldn’t! On a side note, what is going on over his left shoulder? I’m guessing Samuel L. is going to deliver another mother f*cker to whatever that/it is behind him if he hasn’t already!
Don’t forget Father’s Day this year folks – it’s Sunday, June 15th! In the meantime, we’ve got crap tons of awesome funny pictures, funny videos, and all sorts of other awesome folklore thrown in just about every nook, cranny and orifice of SQ to keep you busy! Stay tuned for more, and enjoy SQ mother f*cker!
hey SQ – hows about some father’s day gift ideas? (seriously)